Reviva Your Health

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Taking time out of your day to spend on yourself can help to decrease stress levels.
A simple act of running a herbal bath for yourself will give you the time to reflect on your day and gather your energy.

2 parts lavender oil
3 parts lavender grains
1 part water

Simply add to your bath water when it is running.

Trainers Tip
Plank Exercise:
1. Lie flat on stomach with arms underneath your head.
2. Cross your ankles and come up onto forearms.
3. Bring torso up off the ground and hold for five breaths.
4. Repeat three times.
Healthy Food Facts
What are wholegrains?
Wholegrains include wheat, rice and corn, oats, rye, barley, sorghum and millet.

What makes wholegrains so good for you?
The amount and diversity of nutrients found in wholegrains confers a multitude of benefits. To reap the many benefits wholegrains have to offer, choose a wide variety of unrefined grains and aim to include at least three to five portions in your daily diet.

How can I include them in my diet?
Simply substitute brown rice for white rice, wholegrain bread for white bread, natural mues0li for processed cereals, beans for potatoes.

BMI Calculator

Body mass index (BMI) is measure of body fat based on height and weight that applies to both adult men and women.

Enter your height     
Enter your weight    


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