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Q Can I still exercise?

Q What about after I've had my baby?

Q Can I freeze my membership over my pregnancy?

Q None of my friends or family want to exercise with me.

Q Can I still exercise?

A Exercising while you are pregnant is important, even if you have not exercised in the past. Exercising appropriately will improve your breathing and circulation, tone your pelvic floor muscles, increase flexibility and help you to carry your baby well. It can also help to avoid or alleviate pain in the sacroiliac joints, lower back and pelvis.

With the sedentary lives many of us lead today, our bodies are unused to being active. If you are planning an active birth, regular exercise is vital to help you to prepare for labour.

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Q What about after I've had my baby?

A Once you have received clearance from your doctor (usually around six weeks after birth if you have no complications) it's the perfect time to start back into a regular exercise routine. Although you will not initially be able to do the same intensity or style of exercise straight away taking action as soon as you feel ready will significantly help your body move back towards its pre-pregnancy shape.

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Q Can I freeze my membership over my pregnancy?

A Of course you can put your membership on hold. We normally freeze memberships for a six month period and a small administration fee may be charged. You may also be required to provide medical evidence.

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Q None of my friends or family want to exercise with me.

A Don't worry, you will be surprised how easily you make friends or find the necessary support at Reviva. Health is personal and it's important that you take care of your own health. Others may follow in your footsteps once they begin to see the changes in you.

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Why not come in and see just how easy it is to make a difference.


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